Bgm. Dudweiler 209 Personalakten, 1924-1952 (Verzeichnungseinheit)

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Information on identification

Ref. code:Bgm. Dudweiler 209
Ref. code AP:Bgm. Dudweiler 209
Contains:Phiipps, Willi, 1935
Micka, Heinrich, 1935
Zeitz, Friedrich, 1935
Luckenbill, Christian, 1934-1935
Kopp, Gustav, 1926
Zündorf, Jakob, 1930-1934
Motzheim, Gottfried, 1933
Riedschy, Johann, ( 1931- ) 1935
Hamm, Andreas, ( 1925-1932 ) 1934-1939. 1952
Stamann, Philipp,( 1924- ) 1934-1935
Briel, Eugen, 1935-1936
Zipf, August, 1938
Kuhn, Hans, 1937
Kunkel, August, 1937
Steinhauser, Artur, 1937-1938
Walter, Peter, 1938
Creation date(s):1924 - 1952
Creation date(s), remarks.:( 1924- ) 1926
1936-1939, 1952
Former reference codes:Abt. I
[ Pers. A ] 2


Permission required:Keine
Physical Usability:Uneingeschränkt

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